<![CDATA[PSC Website - PSC Blog]]>Tue, 21 Jan 2025 07:02:20 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[PSC Lake Enhancement]]>Fri, 15 Nov 2024 22:45:58 GMThttp://parissportsmen.com/psc-blog/psc-lake-enhancementTHE LAKE IS CATCH AND RELEASE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

Preliminary work has started on the Lake area improvements that were approved by members at the October meeting. The 3 new bottom based aeration/diffusers have been installed and the surface aerator will be installed seasonally. The first round of stocking, which will be used to establish the lake as a  bluegill/bass ecosystem, has already taken place. Below is a list of the species that were involved in the initial stocking:
  • 25 lb - Fathead Minnow
  • 25 lb - Golden Shiner Minnow
  • 100 - Bluegill Sunfish 3.5-5"
  • 100 - Hybrid Bluegill 3.5-5"
  • 50 - Largemouth Bass 5-7"
The submerged underwater structures that are used to improve the pond ecosystem have been put into place. Most of these structures are manufactured to be tangle free, making them easier to fish around in comparison to wooden structures. See the map below for current placement and examples of the these installed structure(s) and a map at the bottom of the page that was supplied by Jones Lake Management that shows approximate depths for Lake.
Note: Even though these are designed to be tangle free, you can see by the photo examples below that structures, such as the nursery structure, could present an issue if you are casting a spoon and let it sink to the bottom before you start to retrieve it.
<![CDATA[2024 Season - Final RimFire Shoot]]>Sun, 20 Oct 2024 16:18:34 GMThttp://parissportsmen.com/psc-blog/2024-season-final-rimfire-shootFinal Rim-fire Shoot for the 2024 Season - Blessed with good weather and good friends
<![CDATA[Open Sight - Turkey Shoot - 2024-01]]>Sun, 28 Jan 2024 17:12:28 GMThttp://parissportsmen.com/psc-blog/open-sight-turkey-shoot-2024-01Thanks to all those that participated and helped with course setup and the great food. See ya next time!
<![CDATA[2024 Member Appreciation Dinner]]>Tue, 16 Jan 2024 01:42:07 GMThttp://parissportsmen.com/psc-blog/2024-member-appreciation-dinnerMarch 16, 2024
Member’s Appreciation Dinner - Main Hall
Doors open @5:00 pm and Dinner @5:30 pm

Any active PSC member may bring their spouse or significant other to this event. The event will include a delicious dinner and beverages.

A deposit fee of $15.00 per person ($30.00 per couple) must be paid (IN CASH).....and will be returned to the member at the Dinner.

Deposits to  Jim Pauchnik, Jim Donahue, Gordon Anderson, Tom Hildebrand or Randy Paulin by Monday, March 11.
Failure to pay by March 11 will eliminate you from the dinner. Any questions can be answered by calling Jim Pauchnik at 304-670-8637.
<![CDATA[Guest on PSC Property]]>Fri, 08 Dec 2023 00:22:20 GMThttp://parissportsmen.com/psc-blog/guest-on-psc-propertyPLEASE NOTE: Due to some recent inquiries, we felt that we needed to clarify the information that should be in your "By-Laws and Rules and Regulation" handbook that most members should have. If you feel you need an updated version of the Handbook, you can inquire at a meeting about obtaining one.

Members are NOT permitted to bring a guest on club property for any reason, with the exception of the immediate family members.  Immediate family members include wives, girlfriends, daughters, mothers, sons under 12 years old, (sons over 12 are required to become junior members), and elderly disabled persons residing with the member. A guest is not permitted to partake in hunting big game as defined by PA Game Commission. (deer and turkey) (Rule revision voted & approved by the body 3-10-2009)
<![CDATA[2023 Pennsylvania HTE class]]>Sat, 16 Sep 2023 04:00:00 GMThttp://parissportsmen.com/psc-blog/2022-pennsylvania-hte-class
We are scheduled to have  a Pennsylvania Hunter/Trapper Education Class at the Club for 2022
  • Scheduled Date: October 28, 2023
  • Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • You must be 11 years of age to register for this class
  • Lunch will be provided

Use the link below to register for the Class:

You must know Chapters 1, 4, 5 and 9 of the "Study Guide for Hunting Education".
You can view those chapters in the study guide by using the link below:


Basic Hunter-Trapper Education Certification
By law, all first-time hunters and trappers, regardless of age, must successfully complete hunter education training before they can buy a Pennsylvania hunting or trapping license.

Free, In-Person Training is available to anyone 11 years and older. Some independent study is required prior to attending this 1-day, in-person session. Prepare for your class by reading chapters 1, 4, 5 and 9 of Today's Hunter & Trapper in Pennsylvania.

A training certificate recognized throughout North America is awarded when you pass a test at the end of the Pennsylvania Hunter-Trapper Education course. The training covers responsible hunting behavior, firearms basics and safety, basic shooting, wildlife conservation and management, outdoor safety and survival, hunting techniques, trapping and fur-taking basics, and hunting safety.
<![CDATA[2023 Kids Day at The Lake]]>Sun, 07 May 2023 04:17:01 GMThttp://parissportsmen.com/psc-blog/2023-kids-day-at-the-lake
<![CDATA[Defensive Shooting Fundamentals]]>Tue, 13 Sep 2022 01:18:31 GMThttp://parissportsmen.com/psc-blog/defensive-shooting-fundamentalsLevel 1  -   Mini-Class
Open to everyone - members and non-members - male or female shooters - youth that are capable
This is DCI Attack fundamentals class- Dynamic Critical Incident attack outside of 2 arms reach area.
This is about putting shots on target without sights! You will shoot approximately 100 - 150 of your own rounds on target. Currently there are 3 classes scheduled for this day.

Date:  October 1, 2022
Time of classes: 9:00 am - 12 Noon - 3:00 pm
Location: Paris Sportsman's Club

Time Length:  2 1/2 hours
Price: $25.00 per person

To Register
Call: 304-479-1575
Or Email: jayscopel@outlook.com

Class Description
The class will consist of only 8 students and there will be 3 classes that day - so only a total of 24 students can be signed up for the whole day.

Weapon Criteria
You must have a holster, a semi-automatic pistol, and 3 magazines that holds at least 10 rounds - sorry, no revolvers for this class

What To Bring and What to Wear
Ammunition - 150 rounds
Eye & Ear Protection
Brimmed Hat
Close-toed Shoes
Rain Gear (if appropriate)
Long Pants

USCCA membership info
As many of you know, our club has a relationship with the USCCA and as a club member in good standing, you can receive a discount on your monthly USCCA membership. A USCCA Membership brings you industry-leading education, training & the trusted legal protection you may need to protect your family with confidence. Join over 300,000 gun owners who’ve used the U.S. Concealed Carry Association to transform themselves into a community of responsibly armed Americans. The USCCA is dedicated to building safer communities by providing lifesaving training and resources to those in need.
<![CDATA[Proposed rule making - fish stocking]]>Tue, 16 Aug 2022 02:34:11 GMThttp://parissportsmen.com/psc-blog/proposed-rule-making-fish-stockingBelow is correspondence we received from Laurel Hill Trout Farm. They are currently our "go to" for PSC Lake stocking. They believe that a new proposed rule from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission will make it very hard for hatcheries to stock in Pennsylvania.

They feel that the proposed rule for testing water quality lacks transparency and that the process is arbitrary with very little chance of any type of appeal to PFBC.

Deadline for comments is Thursday, August 18, so please take a look and decide if you would like to comment use the links below for more info:

Link for Overview of regulatory change
Go directly to this page to comment

If you are against this new regulation and would like to comment in addition to casting your vote, below are suggestions from Laurel Hills:
1. It grants too broad of power to staff at PFBC to regulate without established rules defining the boundaries of that power, public access to those boundaries, required time frame, or oversight by Commissioners.
2. It creates a situation of impossible compliance causing current hatcheries to stop stocking or to break regulations.
3.It creates additional barriers to those wanting to stock fish in PA.

We are not suggesting voting one way or the other, but thought you would like to know of upcoming changes as they may affect our stocking schedules and/or suppliers.
<![CDATA[CCW and Home Defense Instruction]]>Sun, 27 Mar 2022 04:00:00 GMThttp://parissportsmen.com/psc-blog/ccw-and-home-defense-instruction
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Class at PSC
This class is scheduled for May 7, 2022

Did you know that if you just discharge your weapon into the air to scare an individual, you can be charged with attempted murder? You can learn more about this, proper shooting techniques, and the mindset that you need to have to deal with a violent encounter and much more.

You want safety and security for your family, but as a responsibly armed American, you realize that means much more than just owning a gun. With that thought in mind, PSC member Jay Scopel, a certified USCCA Conceal Carry Instructor, will be conducting a Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals course at the club. Even if you are not considering applying for a CCW permit in your state, this is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning, carrying and/or having a firearm in their possession for self-defense. This class is open to PSC members and the public, and again, is even for those who are not considering carrying a firearm, but are considering having one in their home for protection.

As many of you know, our club has a relationship with the USCCA and as a club member in good standing, you can receive a discount on your monthly USCCA membership. A USCCA Membership brings you industry-leading education, training & the trusted legal protection you may need to protect your family with confidence. Join over 300,000 gun owners who’ve used the U.S. Concealed Carry Association to transform themselves into a community of responsibly armed Americans. The USCCA is dedicated to building safer communities by providing lifesaving training and resources to those in need.

There will be a limit of 20 students. There is a fee for this class, and as you can see by the curriculum below, you must be available at least 8 hours that day - as there will be approximately 6 hours of class time and 2 hours range time. Time for lunch will be allotted, but you must bring your own.
Date:  May 7, 2022
Location: Colliers Sportsman Club

Times:  9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Price: $90.00

To Register
Call: 304-479-1575
Or Email: jayscopel@outlook.com

Curriculum Description
Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense. The course is a guide to understanding conflict avoidance and situational awareness; home security and home defense; handgun, shotgun and AR-15 basics; shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent encounters; the legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a complete guide on gear, gadgets, and ongoing training.

Class Description
This course will cover things you need to obtain your CCW in West Virginia. You may need an additional course to fully qualify for a CCW in Ohio.

What You Will Receive
Certificate of Completion

What To Bring and What to Wear
Ammunition - 50 rounds
Eye & Ear Protection
Brimmed Hat
Close-toed Shoes
Rain Gear
Long Pants

Web Info
Use this link for more info that is posted on the USCCA site

USCCA membership info