Thanks to all those that participated and helped with course setup and the great food. See ya next time!
March 16, 2024
Member’s Appreciation Dinner - Main Hall Doors open @5:00 pm and Dinner @5:30 pm Any active PSC member may bring their spouse or significant other to this event. The event will include a delicious dinner and beverages. A deposit fee of $15.00 per person ($30.00 per couple) must be paid (IN CASH).....and will be returned to the member at the Dinner. Deposits to Jim Pauchnik, Jim Donahue, Gordon Anderson, Tom Hildebrand or Randy Paulin by Monday, March 11. Failure to pay by March 11 will eliminate you from the dinner. Any questions can be answered by calling Jim Pauchnik at 304-670-8637. Concealed Carry and Home Defense Class at PSC
This class is scheduled for May 7, 2022 Did you know that if you just discharge your weapon into the air to scare an individual, you can be charged with attempted murder? You can learn more about this, proper shooting techniques, and the mindset that you need to have to deal with a violent encounter and much more. You want safety and security for your family, but as a responsibly armed American, you realize that means much more than just owning a gun. With that thought in mind, PSC member Jay Scopel, a certified USCCA Conceal Carry Instructor, will be conducting a Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals course at the club. Even if you are not considering applying for a CCW permit in your state, this is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning, carrying and/or having a firearm in their possession for self-defense. This class is open to PSC members and the public, and again, is even for those who are not considering carrying a firearm, but are considering having one in their home for protection. As many of you know, our club has a relationship with the USCCA and as a club member in good standing, you can receive a discount on your monthly USCCA membership. A USCCA Membership brings you industry-leading education, training & the trusted legal protection you may need to protect your family with confidence. Join over 300,000 gun owners who’ve used the U.S. Concealed Carry Association to transform themselves into a community of responsibly armed Americans. The USCCA is dedicated to building safer communities by providing lifesaving training and resources to those in need. There will be a limit of 20 students. There is a fee for this class, and as you can see by the curriculum below, you must be available at least 8 hours that day - as there will be approximately 6 hours of class time and 2 hours range time. Time for lunch will be allotted, but you must bring your own. Date: May 7, 2022 Location: Colliers Sportsman Club Times: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Price: $90.00 To Register Call: 304-479-1575 Or Email: [email protected] Curriculum Description Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense. The course is a guide to understanding conflict avoidance and situational awareness; home security and home defense; handgun, shotgun and AR-15 basics; shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent encounters; the legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a complete guide on gear, gadgets, and ongoing training. Class Description This course will cover things you need to obtain your CCW in West Virginia. You may need an additional course to fully qualify for a CCW in Ohio. What You Will Receive Certificate of Completion What To Bring and What to Wear Handgun Ammunition - 50 rounds FMJ Eye & Ear Protection Brimmed Hat Close-toed Shoes Rain Gear Long Pants Web Info Use this link for more info that is posted on the USCCA site USCCA membership info October 24-25, 2020
AR-15 Training and Challenge 8:00 am to 11:00 am Rifle Range - public invited $10.00 per shooter $5.00 per re-shoot ECI, safety glasses and hearing protection required Due to current ammo situation, the round count will be low. There will be ammo available for sale. Optics and shooting mat are optional. Stage 1: Zero your sights - 10 to 20 rounds Stage 2: Qualification - 10 to 40 rounds (optional) Stage 3: Steel Change - 3 to 6 rounds (optional) Stage 4: National Match - 15 to 30 rounds (optional) Due to COVID restrictions imposed on events and gatherings in Pennsylvania, the Paris Sportsman's Club will not be conducting a Pennsylvania Hunter-Trapper Education course in the fall of 2020. We believe that the mandates limiting the class size, the logistics of social distancing in the hall, the inability to provide snacks, the responsibility of verifying that no one in the class has been exposed to any situation that warrants a 14 day quarantine, and not allowing parents/guardians to accompany attendees (unless they also register for the class, thus limiting the amount of attendees who need to take the class), will make it difficult to conduct a class this year. Also, each student will only be allowed to bring into the classroom a jacket, keys, phone and wallet or purse, so notebooks or other written materials are not permitted.
Alternatively, you may use the link below, to study and pass the Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course online. The is a $19.95 fee for the online course. Due to current COVID-19 social gathering restrictions and the uncertainty that accompanies those restrictions/regulations, we have made the agonizing decision to cancel any on-site participation for the 2020 PSC Gun Bash. We believe that postponing to a later date is not an option because of the uncertainty of having large gatherings anytime within the next month or two and any delay to a future date (that may have to be moved again) will put us into the fall hunting seasons. Below are stipulations for winners:
Guns to be picked up at: A.L.E. Firearms 1160 Burgettstown Rd Hickory PA 15340 412-805-6823 List of items and original drawing times (as of 08/08/2020) 4:00 - $250 4:15 - SAVAGE 93R17-F .17HMR 21" ACCU TRIGGER 4:30 - SAVAGE AXIS .22-250 22" MATTE 4:45 - RUGER MARK IV TARGET .22LR 5.5" BULL 4:50 - $250 5:00 - RUGER AMERICAN 7MM-08 REM 22" MATTE BLACK 5:15 - HENRY SILVER FRONTIER .22S/L/LR 17" OCTAGON 5:30 - RUGER 57 5.7x28mm 5:35 - $250 5:45 - TRADITIONS KENTUCKY FLINTLOCK .50 CALIBER 33.5" 6:00 - MOSSBERG 590 TACTICAL 8 SHOT PUMP SHOTGUN 6:15 - GLOCK 44 22LR 4.02" 10 SHOT 6:20 - $250 6:30 - SIG P365 9MM 3.1" X-RAY 3 DAY/ NIGHT SIGHT 6:45 - BERETTA A300 OUTLANDER 12GA. 3" 24-VR CT3 7:00 - RUGER SUPER BLACKHAWK .44MAG 7.5" 7:15 - SMITH & WESSON M & P 15 (original Ruger AR556 not available) 7:30 - BERGARA B-14 HUNTER 6.5CM 22" MATTE/SYN 7:45 - WEATHERBY ORION I 0/U 12GA 3" 26-VR CT-3 8:00 - DESERT EAGLE 1911 COMMANDER .45ACP 4.3" (As of 08/08/2020 the Desert Eagle is unavailable. If we do not have one by the day of the drawing, options will be discussed with the winner.) All unsold tickets become property of Paris Sportsmen's Club. Not responsible for typographical errors.
The 2020 Sportsman's Challenge has been moved to September 26, 2020
Participants will meet at Main Hall @ 7am and you can call Geoff Jenkins to register - 724-825-0372 We will need help with scoring and course management, so even if you do not want to be in the Challenge, we could use your help during the Challenge. Entry fee is $20.00 Course will be setup throughout the Club Property and the Challenge will consist of a competition with the following :
You may share weapons if that makes it easier for you to particiate. Make sure to contact Geoff as soon as possible. If we do not make a minimum amount of participants, we may have to cancel the event. Thanks to all those that helped "clear the bases" at the Paris Ball Fields. Hopefully we will soon hear the sound of bats and chatter instead of chainsaws and tractors.
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November 2024